TT No. 517: Automatic Crude Palm Oil Dilution Process Control System

Basic milling technology related to crude dilution control has not made significant advances in the last 25 years. Currently, there are no reliable methods of maintaining the oil to crude palm oil ration and in actual practice most mills do not alter dilution control with widely fluctuating mill throughputs. Crude palm oil that is discharged […]

TT No. 516: Merus Ring Technology for Boiler Feed Water Treatment

The milling process depends on good boiler operation to supply steam and power for the production of crude palm oil and palm kernel. Palm oil mill boilers produce 20 to 40 hr-1 steam for power generation as well as for process heating. The steam boiler operation requires proper boiler water treatment, regular water analysis and […]

TT No. 515: The Production of Oil Palm-Based Activated Charcoal and Pyroligneous Acid (Wood Vinegar)

Abstract: Charcoal production is re-emerging industry. It not only supplies fuel in developing countries, but in recent decades, it has also supplied new multifuctional materials for environmental improvement and agricultural applications  in developed countries. These applications include air dehumidification and deodorisation, water purification and soil improvement using charcoal’s excellent adsoption capacity. Paradoxically, charcoal production might […]