TS No. 83: Determination of Diuron in Crude Palm Oil and Crude Palm Kernel Oil by Solid Phase Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography Using Ultra Violet Detection

Hebicides and insecticides are the main pesticides used in oil palm plantations. Being relatively cheap, herbicides such as diuron are oftem used to control broad-leaf weeds in oil palm plantations. However, the use of herbicides is always associated with the risk of food contamination. In order to monitor and minimize the risk of pesticide residues […]

TS No. 82: Determination of l-cyhalothrin in Crude Palm Oil and Crude Palm Kernel Oil by Solid Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography Electron Capture Detection

Herbicides and insecticides are the main pesticides used in oil palm plantations. Being relatively cheap, insecticides such as ^-cyhalothin are often used to protect the oil palm against leaf-eating insects. However, insecticides may have adverse effects on the environment and human health, and the presence of insecticide residues in food and food ingredients is of […]

TS No. 77: Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT) for Palm-Based Lubricants

One of the important properties of lubricating oil is its oxidative staility. Oxidative stability is achieved when the lubricating oil is able to resist oxidation, depanding on the degree of saturation, the presence of natural or added antioxidants, prooxidants or prior abuse. Vegetable oil-based lubricants have been known to exhibit inferior oxidative stability although other […]