TS No. 68: Rapid Method for the Determination of Hydroxyl Valus in Palm-based Polyols

Hydroxyl value is defined as the number of hydroxyl end-groups per gram of a sample. It is a very important quality parameter, and a typical measure to determine molecular weight and calculate the functionality of polyols. A polyols is an alcohol with more then two reactive hydroxly groups per molecule. Polyols are the starting material for […]

TS No. 64: Determination of Sound Absorption for Absorptive Material Using a Two-microphone Impedance Measurement Tube Type 4206 (B&K)

With the growing focus today on noise-control issues and the emergence of sound quality as an important aspect of product design, acoustic material testing is becoming increasingly relevant to researchers, engineers, designers and manufactures from a broad range of industries. Products like bio-composites, fibre-reinforced plastics, felt and insulators are being used as sound dampening components, […]