TT No. 650: Reference Material For Tocols Analyses

Tocols (collectively known as vitamin E) comprises of tocopherols (T), tocomonoenol (T1 ) and tocotrienols (T3 ), each of which has four isoforms; α-, β-, γ- and δ- (Goh et al., 1985; Choo et al., 1999, 2005). Six of these tocols are found in palm oil, namely; α-T, α-T1 , α-T3 , β- T3 , γ- T3 and δT3 (Goh et al., 1985; Ng et al., 2004a, b). Together, they amounted to 700 – 1000 ppm in crude palm oil (CPO) constituted as shown in Table 1 (Goh et al., 1985; Ng et al., 2004a, b).

Main Researcher: Dr. Ng Mei Han