TS No. 167: Identification of Leaf Metabolome Content for Development of New Varieties

In contrast to genetic markers, metabolite based biomarkers are relatively new in plant breeding. This is very different from the situation in the medicinal field, where clinical biochemistry has long been the basis for developing metabolite based biomarkers. Application in plant sciences has lagged behind, due to the slow application of related technologies that can […]

TS No. 166: Protein Identification in Biological and Biomarker Research

Proteomics is the systematic identification and characterisation of proteins, their structures and functions. The Proteomics and Metabolomics (PROMET) at the Advanced Biotechnology and Breeding Centre (ABBC) of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has extensive experience in the analyses of protein using mass spectrometry. The facility provides support, equipment and expertise for analysing complex protein […]