TT No. 416: Innovative Technique for Oil Palm Replanting: Saving in Fertilizer Inputs

In June 2001, MPOB introduced an innovative technique for planting oil palm during replanting (Khalid et al., 2001). The technique is to plant oil palm seedlings into the rows of the old palm biomass residues. The large amount of biomass available during replanting contains significant amounts of nutrients which can be recycled for the succeeding […]

TT No. 413: MPOB Motorized Vessel (MPOB-MotoVess) for Liquid Tissue Culture System

Liquid cultures using cionventional flasks on shakers usually involve small volume (Tarmizi et al., 2003). For scaling up purposes, a commercial bioreactor is more expensive and involves tedious inoculation procedures (Tarmizi et al., 2004). Previously , MPOB developed and introduced the Modified Vessel (MoVess) to improve the agitation of cultures in liquid medium (Tarmizi et al., […]

TS No. 72: Determination of Hexaconazole in Oil Matrix (crude palm oil)

Hexaconazole is a systemic fungicide widely used to control fungal pathogen in a variety of crops. In Malaysia, hexaconazole is used to inhibit the spread of Ganoderma infection from infected oil palm (Idris et al., 2004). Ganoderma can cause the disease basal stem rot (BSR) in oil palm and the spreading of the infection, if not […]