TT No. 138: Oil Palm Liquid Culture-MPOB Protocol

As an alternative to culture on solid medium, the use of liquid culture for oil palm propagation has been attempted in order to explore its potential for automation and scaling-up propagule production as well as for improving growth and culture uniformity (de Touchet et al., 1991; Teixeira et al., 1995; Wong et al.,1999). However, a […]

TT No. 137: PS4-high carotene E. oleifera planting materials

The American oil palm, Elaeis oleifera (Figure 1) possesses attributes of interest such as slow height increment rate (Hardon and Tan, 1969; Obasola, 1973; Meunier and Boutin, 1975; Tam et al., 1977) and high I.V. (Hardon, 1969; Macfarlane et al., 1975). Lately, its high carotene content has been advocated as potentially useful for the pharmaceutical […]

TT No. 136: Half-track machine for in-field FFB collection

The migration of labour in the agricultural sector to the industrial sector greatly necessitates the development of machines to replace the time-consuming and manual field activities. In the industrial sector, workers have lighter and easier job which are in contrast to the back-breaking job in oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) collection. With the assistance […]

TT No. 135: Mechanical fertilizer spreader for young palms

Fertilizing young palm since its early stage is always necessary to establish vigorous healthy trees (Caliman et al., 2001). It is also often recognized that future performance of poorly fertilized palm during immaturity might be affected for its whole life cycle. Main Researcher: Salmah Jahis  Email:

TT No. 134: Parator VI.0 – A diagnostic tool for the identification of parasitoids and predators for bagworms and nettle caterpillars in oil palm

Parasitoids and predators play a major role in regulating pest numbers, especially the bagworms and nettle caterpillars. A field study had revealed the importance of several species of parasitoids in regulating the bagworm numbers at low levels, which in effect is natural control (Basri et al., 1995). Main Researcher: Dr Norman Kamaruddin Email: