TT No. 143: Palm-based Methyl Ester Sulphonates

Through its R&D activities, MPOB now has a technology to produce an active ingredient (technically known as anionic surfactant) from palm oil and the active ingredient can be used to formulate cleaning products, such as liquid and powder detergents. The active ingredient is called methyl ester sulphonates or in short MES. Main Researcher: Dr Salmiah […]

TT No. 142: Licensing of a mesocarp-specific promoter

Genetic engineering provides the opportunity to diversify the use and to increase the economic value of palm oil. Production of speciality oils for industrial applications will be a very attractive proposition for the oil palm, since it is the most productive oil crop. Main Researcher: Dr Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah    

TT No. 140: Genome Analysis Laboratory for Oil Palm (GALOP)

The Genome Analysis Laboratory for Oil Palm (GALOP) is a service and core facility which supports the research activities of MPOBís Advanced Biotechnology and Breeding Centre (ABBC). GALOP also extends DNA testing services to the oil palm industry for applications in tissue culture and breeding. Services currently being offered by GALOP include: i. DNA fingerprinting; […]

TT No. 139: Flameless sterilizer

The Flameless Sterilizer** is an electrical device designed for heat sterilization of tissue culture (TC) glass containers (for mouth-rim region) and surgical apparatus. It is a replacement for the flaming process that is commonly conducted using a Bunsen burner or alcohol lamp. The sterilizer has a circular heating coil in the centre where the TC […]