TT No. 163: High-Energy biscuit formulated with Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)

Biscuits are a very popular snack food. They contain basic ingredients such as flour, fat, sugar, egg, flavour, and leavening agent, similar to cake but at different proportions. In biscuits, fat or shortening may be selected to aid in producing the most desirable spread, to produce volume or to furnish other textural attributes (Andres, 1985). […]

TT No. 162: Roselle lip protector

Roselle or its scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Malvaceae is also known as Florida cranberry due its similarity in taste and flavour to cranberry. Believed to have originated from Sudan, roselle is grown as a rain-fed crop in Sudan and Egypt and as a source of pulp for paper in certain parts of the world. […]

TT No. 161: Roselle lipstick

Roselle or its scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Malvaceae is also known as Florida cranberry due its similarity in taste and flavour to cranberry. Believed to have originated from Sudan, roselle is grown as a rain-fed crop in Sudan and Egypt and as a source of pulp for paper in certain parts of the world. […]

TT No. 160: Roselle hand and body lotion

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small- and medium-scale cosmetic companies to help develop a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw material.This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use of natural, renewable and […]

TT No. 159: Roselle sunblock

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small- and medium-scale cosmetic companies to help develop a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw material.This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use of natural, renewable and […]