MIS No. 55: Trans Free Margarine Formulation

Margarine is a fatty food resembling butter in appearance, character and composition. It is used as a substitute for, or alternative to butter. It is an emulsion of a fatty phase (usually the continuous phase) and an aqueous phase. The fatty phase is a nature of vegetable and/or oils and fats. It contains sufficient solid […]

MIS No. 54: Ice Cream Mix Powder

Dry ice-cream mix or ice-cream mix powder is a comparatively new product. Ice cream mix powder can be conveniently reconstituted to meet the demands for the production of ice cream. Other advantages are ease of packing and transportation and ready for quick use. Ice cream mix powder can be produced by several methods such as […]

MIS No. 53: Palm-Based Chocolate Pastel

Chocolate is eaten simply because people pleasure in it. Through taste and texture there is probably no other product that gives so much enjoyment. Chocolate also makes a pleasant and acceptable gift to convey some element of feeling. Chocolates are usually formulated with cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, sugar and lecithin, and in the case of milk […]

MIS No. 52: Production of Palm-Based Processed Cheese

Processed cheese was invented around 1912-1913 when the Swiss and Germans made considerable efforts to export cheese to tropical countries. Processed cheese is made by blending natural cheese (young, mature or different types) in the presence of water, colouring matter, emulsifying salts and then heating and agitating to produce a homogeneous mixture. The cost of […]

MIS No. 51: Palmianis Lotion and Cream

Hand and body lotion or cream are cosmetic products applied topically on the skin to obtain one or all of the following desired effects: moisturizing, moisture-retaining, softening, and sun protecting. Lotion and cream are basically similar in terms of appearance and there is no clear distinction between the two, except viscosity. In general, lotion is […]