MIS No. 65: Production and Characterization of Palm – Based Santan Powder

Coconut milk (santan) is a commonly used ingredient in the separation of food, both at home and industrially in Malaysia. A large proportion of the population still use ‘santan’ extracted from freshly grated cocnut for their cooking requirements. However, the trend now is towards a more convinient form for obtaining the product. Currently self-stable forms […]

MIS No. 64: Palm-Based Reduced Fat Spread

The influence of official dietary recommendations, product pricing structure and evolving consumer lifestyles, the market for spreading products is undergoing radical changes. The general trend now is towards reduced fat comsumption. Reduced fat spreads fulfill such a demand.In addition, reduced fat spreads can be formulated to meet the demands of convenience (i.e spreadability at refrigeration temperature) […]

MIS No. 63: Wakfoot – The FFB Evacuation Vehicle

A number of machines for the field in-field avacuation of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) have been introduced to the oil palm industry. These machines are generally suitable for use in dry and flat areas, and to some extent in wet areas. The choice of machine is merely dictated by the estates’ ground conditions. One system […]

MIS No. 62: Calcium Soaps Derived from Palm Fatty Acids

Calcium soap is the product of saponification reaction between fatty acids and calcium ions. Calcium soap in the form of stearate is widely used as hardening agent for mineral oil, mould-releasing agent for plastic, in injection and extrusion products and in polyolefin industry. In the livestock industry, calcium soap from mixed fatty acids is commonly […]

MIS No. 61: Crude Palm Oil Clarification by Membrane Filter Press

The scope of providing new technologies in palm oil mills has broadened in recent years because of the demand to minimize the milling cost while reducing crude oil quality deterioration. Furthermore the water pollution abatement regulations now demand a more effective control strategy to treat waste water discharged from palm oil mills to meet the […]