MIS No. 70: Palm Oil Pourable Margarine

Palm oil products blended with liquid oils were successfully used to produce a pourable margarine. The formulated blend was processed in a Schroeder Kombinator pilot plant using the holding method (Melmick,1969). Performance test on the products was based on their pourability. Main Researcher: Miskandar Mat Sahri

MIS No. 69: Palm Oil Information Online Service (PALMOILIS)

Palmoilis is an online database service developed and hosted by the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). Palm oil data, information and knowledge are the strategic resource, the intellectual capital and main product of PORIM. Since its establishment in 1979, many databases and information components have been independently generated at the various R&D laboratories and […]

MIS No. 68: Palm – Based Anionic Surfactants

Surface active agent or surfactant is a molecule that are amphiphatic moieties and preferentially sits at an interface between two immiscible media when placed in them. The presence of the molecule at the interface reduces the surface tension and promotes the miscinility of the two media. Because the molecule is active at the interface, it is […]

MIS No.67: Pulp and Paper From Oil Palm Fibers

Malaysia is the leading producer of palm oil with about 52% of the world’s palm oil production and 8.7% of world’s oils and fats production. To maintain the competitive edge of the industry, a number of strategies have been adopted, one of which is the zero-waste strategy. This involved the conversion of oil palm residues, […]

MIS No. 66: Palm – Based Trans Free Vanaspati

Malaysia is the leading producer of palm oil with about 52% of the world’s palm oil production and 8.7% of world’s oils and fats production. To maintain the competitive edge of the industry, a number of strategies have been adopted, one of which is the zero-waste strategy. This involved the conversion of oil palm residues, […]