TT No. 8: Palm-Based Vitamin E

The occurrence of an anti-sterility factor which was characterized as a vitamin was first reported in 1992; later in 1925, it was given the designation vitamin E. It is now known that vitamin E compromises two groups of related compunds, known as tocopherols and tocotrienols and that, in nature, there are four homologues in each […]

TT No. 7: Palm Particles (Furniture)

More than 44,000 hectares of oil palm are due for replanting in 1993/1994. This would involve the felling of approximately 6 million palms. In addition to the palm fronds available at replanting, fronds are also obtained from pruning during the harvesting of fresh fruit bunches. In line with its mission, PORIM’s R&D efforts are geared towards […]

TT No. 6: Distribution of Pollen

The commercial oil palm planting materials, DxP is produced largely by crossing Deli duras with selected pisiferas. One of the popular sources of pisifera is AVROS population. HIGHLIGHTS AVROS pollen combines well with Deli duras to produce progenies with high yield and good extraction rate. The DxP progenies are uniform in yield and physiological characteristics. […]

TT No. 21: Elite Oil Palm Pollen

The commercial oil palm planting material, DxP, or known as tenera is produced by crossing largely Deli duras with selected pisiferas. There are a number of pisifera sources for seed production. One of the popular sources is AVROS population (Figure 1).  Main Researcher: Dr Rajanaidu, N 

TT No. 4: Palm-Based Printing Ink

Palm oil-based printing ink is a recent innovation of collaborative research project between Coates Brothers (M) Sdn Bhd and the Palm oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). Begun in the middle of 1990, the project has gone through the usual stages of laboratory formulation and testing, through pilot plant production to final testing of the […]