TT No. 18: Automatic Grabber

The Grabber is an infield mechanical loader of fresh fruit brunches. The first version was introduced in 1992 and has been well recieved by the industry. This implement operated by hydraulic and is usually attached to an infield transporter. It is commonly fixed to a mini tractor with a trailer. The grabber consists of a […]

TT No. 17: Super Crawler

The SuperCrawler is a track machine designed for infoeld transportation of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from palm base to roadside platform particularly in difficult areas. A vehicle with wheels normally has maneuvering problem in soft and soggy areas. The normal FFB evacuation produce in this soil conditions is to use wheelbarrow or manual carrying. In […]

TT No. 16: MPOB Series No.1-MPOB Elite Oil Palm

Malaysia is currently the leading producer and exporter of palm oil in the world and, in order to stay in the forefront, new planting materials with different oil compositions have to be developed to meet the future needs of the industry. PORIM has taken the initiative to produce PORIM series 2 (PS2) planting materials of […]

TT No. 15: MPOB Series No.1-MPOB Elite Oil Palm

Current oil palm planting materials grow at a rate of 40-75cm / yr. The palms are too tall after 20 years and harvesting is difficult. Breeding for short oil palms is one of the main priorities. PORIM has developed PORIM Series I (PS1) planting materials with slower height increment in PORIM-Nigerian germplasm collection (Rajanaidu et […]

TT No. 14: Production Technology of Palm-Based Monoglygerides

Partial glycerides are commercially synthesized and used as emulsifying agents in a wide range of food products. Monoglycerides, in particular, which have better emulsifying property than diglycerides, account for over 70% of the total world consumption as food emulsifiers. Main Research: Dr Choo Yuen May