TS No. 63: Assessment of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) as Vegetative Gowth Enhancer for Oil Palm

Mycorrhizas are symbiotic associations that are formed between the roots of most plant species and soil fungi (Bagyaraj, 1984). Benefits of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) associations include improved nutrient uptake by fungi, extending their hyphae through the plant roots into the surrounding soil and transporting the nutrients directly into the plant. Numerous studies also suggests that […]

TS No. 62: Spatial Pattern and Hotspot Analyses of Ganoderma Disease in Oil Palm Plantation Using the Geographical Information System

The growing demand for localized predictions, spatial pattern and hotspot analyses over large regions has prompted the application of the Geographical Information System (GIS) and geostatistics that can be used to analyse and manage plant disease information data. GIS has been used most extensively for mapping distributions of disease or specific genotypes of plant pathogen […]

TS No. 61: Diesel Vehicle and Engine Gas Emission Assessments for Research and Development

The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has been involved in palm biodiesal research and development since the 1980s. Various experiments and field trials have been conducted searching for a better, cleaner and renewable fuel either using crude palm oil, palm olein or palm methyl ester for the diesel engine. Among the important parameters evaluated during […]

TS No. 60: Evaluation of Vehicle Performance Evaluation for Research and Development

The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has been involved in palm biodiesel research and development since the 1980s. Various experiments and field trials have been conducted searching for a better, cleaner and renewable fuel either using crude palm oil, palm olein or palm methyl ester for the diesal engine. Among the important parameters evaluated during […]

TS No. 59: Cellular Localization of Transcripts via In situ RNA Hybridization

In situ hybridization is a widely used method that permits the localization of target mRNAs in a preserved tissue section. Most in situ hybridization methods use either non-isotopic or isotopically labelled riboprobes. The use of digoxigenin (DIG) compound is popular in the former type of labeling. For this, hybridized DIG-labelled ripoprobes are normally detected with high affinity anti-digoxigenin […]