MIS No. 22: Palm Olein Improves Cooking Oil Blends

Cooking oils are used widely indeed, and in enormous quantities. Generally speaking, housewives prefer a clear, light-controlled oil of vegetable origin with cold stability as well as good flavour and oxidative stability. The oils in common use for making such products are mostly derived from seeds, and include soya bean oil, safflower seed oil and […]

MIS No. 21: Fertilizer Recommendations for Oil Palm using PORIM’s Foliar Diagnosis System

The foliar diagnosis system develped by PORIM is fairly universal for making fertilizers recommendations for mature oil palm based on leaf nutrient data. The system aims to provide fertilizer adjustment recommendations based on the results of leaf analysis of frond 17. It is emphasised that initial fertilizer recommendations should be made on environmental data which […]

MIS No. 17: Palm Oil Methyl Esters as Fuel : Palm Diesel

Palm diesel consists of methyl esters of crude palm oil or crude palm stearin prepared from reaction with methanol using a suitable catalyst. Crude oils of free fatty acids content up to 30% can be used as the feedstock, as the process provides pretreatment stage (esterification) to handle the free fatty acids. The process has […]