TS No. 159: Rapid Determination of Triacylglycerols Composition in Palm Oil Products bt Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Refractive Index Detector (UPLC-RID)

The global production of palm oil and palm-based oils and fats products has been continuously increasing over the past half century to meet worldwide demand for novel oils with varied characteristics, improved functionality and better nutrition. This necessitates an understanding of the chemical and physical characteristics of the different types of newly developed oils and […]

TS No. 158: Measurement on Ecotoxicity of Surfactants Towards Algae

Surfactants are widely used in household cleaning detergents, personal care products, textiles, paints, polymers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, mining, oil recovery and paper industries. The world production of synthetic surfactants is about 13 million tonnes annually. Because of their widespread use, surfactants can be potential toxins when large quantities enter environment. Surfactants mainly enter the environment via […]

TS No. 156: SureSawitTM KARMA – A Diagnostic Assay For Clonal Conformity

When micropropagation technology was first introduced and found to be viable for the oil palm industry, its adoption was quick with full of enthusiasm. The expectation of dramatically boosting oil yield productivity by 20% – 30% was enough to incentivise the industry to intensify their efforts amidst the current pressure of limited land bank and […]

TT No. 626: Palm Oil-based Structural Fat with High Oil Binding Ability

Solid fats are used as hardstocks to develop a widespread range of structuring agents in food formulations (Omonov et al., 2010). Palm solid fractions are natural solid fats which provide improved stability for many types of food that require solid fat functionality (Pande and Akoh, 2013). Traditionally, solid fat in margarine is obtained by hydrogenation […]