TT No. 590: Intensive Integration of Goat in Oil Palm Area

In normal practice, goats are integrated in oil palm area using semi intensive production system. The goats are released in oil palm area during day time for browsing and kept in goat’s house at night. This system requires large area for browsing and the integration can only be started when the palms had reached four […]

TT No. 589: Integration of Black Pepper with Oil Palm

Integration of crop with oil palm optimises land utilisation and provides additional income for the growers. There are several crops suitable to be integrated with oil palm. Integration can be carried out in a longer period with the double row avenue oil palm planting system. Thus, this integration technology can sustain the additional income during […]

TT No. 588: EcoB8: Microbial Consortia Based Bio-Fertilisers

The term bio-fertiliser or ‘microbial inoculants’ is defined as a preparation containing live or latent cells of efficient strains of nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilising or cellulolytic microorganisms used for application on soil or composting areas with the objective of increasing the number of such microorganisms and accelerate certain microbial process to augment the extent of […]

TT No. 587: Trichoderma virens, An Effective Biocontrol Agent Against Ganoderma Boninense

Trichoderma species are considered as soil fungi that colonise superficially on plant root surfaces, forming a symbiotic relationship. Recent studies have reported that Trichoderma species are also capable of colonising the internal tissues of plants and characterised as having an endophytic relationship (Brotman et al., 2013). Main Researcher: Dr Shamala SundramEmail:

TS No. 165: Life cycle Assessment on the Production of Fatty Acids

Fatty acids are one of the main basic oleochemicals that have a wide range of chemical and physical properties. In 2015, export of fatty acids increased by 3% or 24 094 t to 930 610 t compared to 906 516 t as recorded in 2014 (Figure 1) (MPOB, 2016). Fatty acids contributed about 33% of […]