MIS No. 58: Quality Control Process for Oil Palm Tissue Culture Using DNA Probes

Despite the possible occurrence of clonal abnormalities, the prospect of commercializing oil palm tissue culture is still attractive. The move towards commercial production will entail scaling up plantlet production. In such situation, culture inspection by visual means become impractical (Wooi, 1995). In addition, the handling of large numbers of cultures could lead to higher probability […]

MIS No. 57: Palm-Based Products in Deinking of Waste Papers

Recycling of paper has been increasingly important primarily due to a number of factors such as (i) diminishing wood supply coupled with social concerns over deforestation (ii) environmental pollution, and (iii) greater global demand for paper. Basically, method for recycling waste paper can be classified into two types (1) to reuse waste paper after pulping […]

MIS No. 56: Paper Coating with Palm-Based Materials for Food Wrappers

Most of the coating and plastic materials used in the food packaging are derived from petroleum and natural gas derivatives such as praffin wax, microcrystallin wax, polypropylene etc. These materials are non-renewable resources and with the rapid increase in the price of petroleum and natural gas, it may be necessary to take a new look at the […]

MIS No. 55: Trans Free Margarine Formulation

Margarine is a fatty food resembling butter in appearance, character and composition. It is used as a substitute for, or alternative to butter. It is an emulsion of a fatty phase (usually the continuous phase) and an aqueous phase. The fatty phase is a nature of vegetable and/or oils and fats. It contains sufficient solid […]

MIS No. 54: Ice Cream Mix Powder

Dry ice-cream mix or ice-cream mix powder is a comparatively new product. Ice cream mix powder can be conveniently reconstituted to meet the demands for the production of ice cream. Other advantages are ease of packing and transportation and ready for quick use. Ice cream mix powder can be produced by several methods such as […]