MIS No. 63: Wakfoot – The FFB Evacuation Vehicle

A number of machines for the field in-field avacuation of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) have been introduced to the oil palm industry. These machines are generally suitable for use in dry and flat areas, and to some extent in wet areas. The choice of machine is merely dictated by the estates’ ground conditions. One system […]

MIS No. 62: Calcium Soaps Derived from Palm Fatty Acids

Calcium soap is the product of saponification reaction between fatty acids and calcium ions. Calcium soap in the form of stearate is widely used as hardening agent for mineral oil, mould-releasing agent for plastic, in injection and extrusion products and in polyolefin industry. In the livestock industry, calcium soap from mixed fatty acids is commonly […]

MIS No. 61: Crude Palm Oil Clarification by Membrane Filter Press

The scope of providing new technologies in palm oil mills has broadened in recent years because of the demand to minimize the milling cost while reducing crude oil quality deterioration. Furthermore the water pollution abatement regulations now demand a more effective control strategy to treat waste water discharged from palm oil mills to meet the […]

MIS No. 60: Elaeis Oleifera Palm for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Tenera (T) is the major commercial oil palm progeny planted in Malaysia. It is a cross between the dura and pisifera varieties, (DxP), belongingto Elaeis Guineensis family originating from West Africa. The crude palm oil extracted from this Tenera variety consists of an equal proportion of saturated (50%) and unsaturated (50%) fatty acids which is high in […]

MIS No. 59: Breeding for High Kernel Planting Material : PORIM Series 3 (PS3)

There is an increasing demand for lauric acid (C12) by the oleochemical industry. Lauric acid is an important raw material in the manufacture of detergents. Coconut (Cocos cifera) copra and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel are traditional sources of lauric oils. These are cultivated in the tropical regions of the world. PORIM has initiated a breeding […]