MIS No. 73: Crystallisation of Palm Olein

Palm olein is the liquid fraction obtained from the fractionation of palm oil. A second fractionation of palm olein yields a product of higher iodine value (IV) and is called double-fractionated palm olein. Single fractionated palm oein may also be of high IV and thus oleins of IV greater than 56 are also known as […]

MIS No. 72: Soap

The most crucial components of soap are C12-C18 fatty acids which contribute to detergency, cleansing power and foamability of the final product. Palm oil kernel oil are the major sources for C16-C18 and C12-C14 fatty acids respectively. A combination of palm oil and palm kernel oil in appropriate proportions is necessary to produce a good […]

MIS No. 71: Chromosome Painting in Oil Palm Hibrids

Elaeis guineensis and Elaies oleifera are the two species of oil palm. In Malaysia, E. guineensis is the major crop planted since it produces high oil yield. However, E. oleifera produces higher unsaturated oil compared to E. guineensis but has lower yield. E. oleifera also has the advantage of slow height increment. In order to introgress the high unsaturation oil trait into E. guineensis, oil palm breeders […]

MIS No. 70: Palm Oil Pourable Margarine

Palm oil products blended with liquid oils were successfully used to produce a pourable margarine. The formulated blend was processed in a Schroeder Kombinator pilot plant using the holding method (Melmick,1969). Performance test on the products was based on their pourability. Main Researcher: Miskandar Mat Sahri

MIS No. 69: Palm Oil Information Online Service (PALMOILIS)

Palmoilis is an online database service developed and hosted by the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). Palm oil data, information and knowledge are the strategic resource, the intellectual capital and main product of PORIM. Since its establishment in 1979, many databases and information components have been independently generated at the various R&D laboratories and […]