TT No. 4: Palm-Based Printing Ink

Palm oil-based printing ink is a recent innovation of collaborative research project between Coates Brothers (M) Sdn Bhd and the Palm oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). Begun in the middle of 1990, the project has gone through the usual stages of laboratory formulation and testing, through pilot plant production to final testing of the […]

TT No. 3: Mechanical Loader (The Grabber)

Oil palm plantations are highly dependent on manual labour. It has been estimated that on the average, about 50-man days are required per hectare. In recent years the agricultural sector of the industry has experienced labour shortage problems. As a result numerous operations including harvesting, and other agronomic activities in the plantations have been significantly affected, […]

TT No. 2: Harvesting Pole (Zirafah)

Efficient harvesting of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) plays a vital role towards improving the quality of harvested FFB. Harvesting of short palms (>3-metres in height) is relatively simple operation. A chisel attached to a short steel pole is normalyy used. However, harvesting of tall palms (>3-metres in height) requires a different method and technique. A […]

TT No. 1: Sequencing Batch Reactor (Effluent Treatment)

The choice of a suitable treatment system for palm oil refinery wastewater is made difficult by complexities in both the flow and the composition of this effluent. The typical characteristics of the three types of wastewaters from three different types of refining process used in Malaysia are shown in Table 1. Compared to physical-chemical or […]

TT No. 563: NutraMee – A Lipophilic Antioxidant Noodle

Noodles are staple food in many Asian countries and account for more than 12% of global wheat production each year (Euromonitor, 2013). The world market size for noodle products had reached a total value of USD 2300 million in year 2013. Market players are aware of health concerns and some have initiated moves to provide healthier options (Euromonitor, 2013). Many functional ingredients have been […]