TT No. 219: Beta-Ketoacyl ACP Synthase II (KAS II)

Novel palm oil compositions are needed to meet the demand of the expanding oil business and changing market requirements. Genetic engineering provides the opportunity to diversify the use and improve the economic value of palm oil. Reported successes in changing fatty acid compositions in other crops provide examples of how in vitro gene technology can […]

TT No. 218: Cableway system for Oil Palm FFB Evacuation

Malaysia is facing an acute shortage of agricultural land. One of the alternatives is to go for marginal areas such as hilly land and peat. Through R&D, these areas can be cultivated with oil palm with good returns in spite of high development cost. In the hilly areas, oil palm planted on terraces is much […]

TT No. 217: Development of a Machine for Harvesting Tall Palm

The ever increasing cost of production and poor commodity prices as a result of greater market competition have compelled the plantation industry to look for improved production techniques to reduce costs in order to maximize profits. One way towards achieving the above objective is through mechanization of the harvesting process. With mechanization, workers’ productivity and […]

TT No. 216: Variable-Rate Fertilizer Applicator for Oil Palm

Current commodities market competition and agriculture regulations are forcing the oil palm industry to seek more competitive management methods to produce palm oil. With the development of geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), variable-rate technology (VRT) and remote sensing technology (RS), many oil palm plantations in this country have started adopting precision agriculture […]

TT No. 215: Mechanical Trunk Injection for Control of Ganoderma

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense, which is a serious disease, especially in the replanted areas from old oil palm and coconut, remains the major disease of oil palm in Southeast Asia (Idris et al., 2003). Ganoderma is a saprophyte that can infect a living palm if there is a large enough inoculum. The […]