TT No. 240: Niki Vitamin E Night Cream

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small and medium scale cosmetic company for research and development of a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw materials. This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use […]

TT No. 239: Niki Silky Soft Hand Cream

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small and medium scale cosmetic company for research and development of a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw materials. This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use […]

TT No. 237-238: Palm-based Hair Care Products for Anti Hair Loss

Hair loss is a major concern to most consumers. This happens when scalp becomes greasy but hair too dry. For Asian people, an average daily hair fall of between 20 to 30 strands isconsidered normal provided it is being equally and immediately replaced (Chung, 2000). It is important for those who have this problem to […]

TT No. 236: Environment Friendly Palm-Based Inert Ingredients for EW- Insecticides Formulations

Insecticides comprise about 18% of the total pesticides marketed in Malaysia in which more than 55% of the insecticides are in the form of solvent-based formulations or emulsifiable concentrates (EC) (MCPA, 2002). In recent trend, the end-users/operators in agriculture sectors increasingly require safer and more convenient pesticide formulations such as water-based emulsion (EW) instead of EC-insecticide […]

TT No. 235b: Palm Based Baby Lotion

The development of baby care products has always presented the cosmetic formulator with a significant challenge, principally because of the specific requirements. Baby care toiletries, which are necessarily designed to keep the infant clean, comfortable and healthy, must be formulated with safety requirements in mind (Justin, 1995). One aspect of safety that concerns consumers can […]