TS No. 2: Determination of Parabens Preservatives in Cosmetic and Personal Care Products

Esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid such as methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl, commonly known as parabens are widely used as preservatives in cosmetic and personal care (CPC) products because they have a broad-spectrum anti microbial activity, non -irritating and non-sensitizing. They are stable over wide pH range and are sufficiently soluble in water to produce the effective […]

TS No. 1: Anti-acne Efficacy Testing Services

In Asia, 50% of women ages 15-30 years old are concerned about oily skins. In Europe, 80%-95% of the teenagers are concerned while in America only 50% of this specific population uses appropriate cleaning products by: ZAFARIZAL ALDRIN AZIZUL HASAN and ROSNAH ISMAIL ANTI-ACNE EFFICACY TESTING SERVICES 300 to fight oily skins with comedones (Mas-Chamberlaine […]

TT No. 253: Deterioration of Bleachability Index

The deterioration of bleach ability index or DOBI is an acronym for an analytical procedure intended for quality control of crude palm oil. It is based on the ratio of two wavelengths (446:269 nm). The test introduced by MPOB in 1981 is performed using a simple spectrophotometer and attempts to provide a prediction of the […]

TT No. 252: Palm based Mozzarella Cheese as Pizza Topping

The manufacture of natural cheese conventionally involves the treatment of milk products, including inoculation with particular and specific strains of microorganisms, treatment with enzymes (e.g: rennin) allowing cheese curd to form, separating the cheese whey, collecting the curd and pressing of the curd into molds, followed by ripening and ageing of various period of time,depending […]

TT No. 251: Trans-Free Palm-based Chocolate Spread

Chocolate spread is a sweet spread which is very popular among children especially when applied on slices of bread. It is a water in oil emulsion containing less than 40% fat in combination with other ingredients such as sugars, cocoa powder, skim milk powder and stabilizer. Chocolate spreads of different varieties are commonly available. These include […]