TT No. 564: Chemical Fertiliser GanoCareTM as Preventive Treatment in Controlling Ganoderma Disease of Oil Palm

Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by the Ganoderma species is a serious problem to the oil palm industry (Idris, 2011; 2012). MPOB has introduced the Integrated Ganoderma Management (IGM) to find solution to the disease (Idris, 2011). Plant nutrients are primary components of disease control in many crops (McMahon, 2012). It was reported that calcium nitrate suppressed BSR symptoms on clonal materials (Sariah and Zakaria, 2000). Copper has played a significant role in organic and conventional systems for controlling some fungal diseases. G. applanatum and G. lucidum causing wilt diseases in coconut trees could be reduced by application of copper-based fungicides (Nambiar et al., 1992). Salicylic acid (SA), which is a naturally occurring plant hormone could induce resistance to the pathogen and abiotic stress tolerance in plants (Rahamah et al., 2014).

Researcher: Dr Idris Abu Seman