TT No. 551: Removable Peeler Lathe for Palmwood Veneer Production

One of the solutions to the log shortage problem in plywood mills is undoubtedly the sourcing of logs from oil palm plantations. However, an acceptable and more efficient mechanism of log supply has to be worked out. This is to facilitate the log flow from the plantations to plywood mills so that the manufacturers will have enough logs for processing at a fair price and the revenue which the farmers require in replants will not be reduced. Some plywood mills have already undertaken steps to improve the recovery and to increase value-adding processing of raw plywood. Most recent efforts are directed towards investing in new peeling lathes for small diameter logs. In line with this, MPOB has developed a prototype peeler lathe, which is specially designed for oil palm trunk for veneer production.

Main Research: Dr Anis Mokhtar