TT No. 537: Zero Waste Technology for Palm Oil Mills (POMEDfree)

Rarid growth of palm oil production in Malaysia in the last few decades has given rise to major environmental issues, particularly the discharge of large quantities of treated waste effluent into the rivers as well as the emission of methane from palm oil mill digestion ponds to the atmosphere. The proposed technology offers a zero waste technology for palm oil mills through effective judicial management of solid and liquid waste produced after the milling process. The technology involves the initial reduction of the effluent production rate from the milling processes followed by its spraying on shredded empty fruit bunches in the presence of thermophilic microbes. The continuous composting aerobic activity will be able to evaporate all the liquid, thus resulting in zero effluent discharge. During the trial, it was found that the nutrient-rich compost was in excellent condition for use as a fertiliser in oil palm plantations.

Main Research: Dr Zulkifli Ab Rahman