TT No. 447: MPOB Auto Lysimeter System (auto lys) for Leaching Studies

Fertilizer management practices are very important in oil palm cultivation for high yield production and to minimize negative impact on the environment. Nutrients applied as fertilizers are subjected to losses in the dissolved from via surface runoff, erosion, vocalization, leaching and fixation in the soil. For example, higher rates of fertilizer application per unit area (within the palm circle) encourage nutrient looses through leaching in an oil palm ecosystem. Nutrients that are highly soluble and mobile such as nitrate and potassium salts are susceptible to leaching losses. The soils become more acidic if the base nutrients are leached out from the root zone. Leaching of soil nutrients leads to on site nutrient depletion which can affect crop productivity. Losses of nutrients and agrochemicals through leaching down the soil profile increase groundwater contamination and may potentially threaten human and ecosystem health. 

Main Research: Ahmad Afandi Murdi