TT No. 433: Palm-based Transparent Soap Slab

Transparent soap or glycerine soap technology for the past decades was based on tallow, coconut and castor oils as raw materials. With the expansion of the palm oil industry, coupled with comprehensive research and development (R&D), at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), the tallow and coconut portions of soap bases have been replaced with palm products. Palm oil is a well-known source of palmitic (C16-0) AMD stearic acids (C18-0) while palm kernel oil is rich in lauric (C12-0) and myristic acids (C14-0). The combination of C12-0, C14-0, C16-0 and C18-0 fatty acids contribute to efficient cleaning action, good solubility and foamability. In the case of opaque toilet soap, the tallow and coconut portions are compareable to palm oil and palm kernel oilm respectively.

Main Research: Muhammad Roddy Ramli