TT No. 379: Treatment of Oil Palm Lumber

Malaysia is the world’s second producer of palm oil with 4.3 million hectares of the crop producing 15.9 million tonnes of the oil. As the crop is grown in a cycle of 25 – 30 years, it is estimated that more than 70 000 ha will have to be replanted every year, requiring the felling of about 9 million palms. Can the trunks be used instead of being wasted? The oil palm trunk has several inherent flaws as lumber – inconsistent weight, moisture content, size and density, and high parenchyma tissue. These increase its cost of processing and manufacturing. However, some of the flaws can be ameliorated with proper drying and conditioning. MPOB offers a new improved technology for drying and conditioning oil palm trunk using a kiln dryer. The recovery of lumber is increased and its quality improved (Figure 1).

Main Research: Dr Anis Mokhtar