TT No. 366: Membrane Bioreactor Technology for Tertiary of Palm Oil Mill Effluent(POME)

With better membrane developed from better understanding of the fi ltration mechanisms, membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems become a feasible option for aerobic treatment of wastewater, industrial wastewater and potentially for palm oil mill wastewaters. Owing to their ability to produce excellent treatment effi ciency, MBRs are increasingly used around the world. MBR installations are also increasing in size. With an absolute barrier against suspended solids, MBRs plants are able to retain very high solids concentrations in the reactor (8000 to 20 000 mg litre-1) with very short solids retention times to allow for smaller aeration basins and yet high BOD removal. An MBR is actually an activated sludge process with the conventional secondary clarifi er replaced by a membrane (either for microfi ltration or ultrafi ltration). The MBR ith better membrane developed from better understanding of the fi ltration mechanisms, membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems become a feasible option for is always operated with a fi ne screening fi lter to protect the membrane from abrasive and stringy waste components. Since the MBR-treated effl uent has been micro- or ultra-fi ltered, the suspended solids are typically only near the detection limit and the turbidity < 0.2 NTU. In addition, certain chlorine resistant pathogens, such as Cryptospovidium and Giardia, are also screened off.

Main Research: Mohamad Sulong