TT No. 355: MPOB Modified Vessel (MOVESS) for Liquid Culture System

The productivity of conventional cultures in liquid media is limited due to the size of fl asks or shakers used. The MPOB Fast Transfer Technique (MoFaTT) (Tarmizi and Zaiton, 2005) allows cultures in less than 300 ml working volume of medium while the Two-in-One MPOB Simple Impeller (2-in-1 MoSLIM) and Simple Impeller with Fast Transfer Technique (SLIM-FaTT)(Tarmizi and Zaiton, 2006a,b) were designed for medium volumes of 300 ml to 1 litre. For scaling up, a commercial bioreactor can be used. A bioreactor is expensive and the preparation for culture inoculation tedious. To obviate the problems, the MPOB Modifi ed Vessel (MoVess) was developed. This larger Vessel is more economical for larger scale production liquid culture systems (of 1 to 2 litres working volume).

Main Research: Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Hashim