TT No. 239: Niki Silky Soft Hand Cream

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small and medium scale cosmetic company for research and development of a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw materials. This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use of natural, renewable and plant derived ingredients. Currently, palm-based oleochemicals, such as cosmetic grade fatty acids with carbon chain ranging from C14 – C16, liquid wax esters, capric/ caprylic trigylcerides, fatty alcohols, fatty alcohol ethoxylates and glycerin are widely used in cosmetic and personal care formulations to serve various functions such as emulsifiers, humectants, emollients, lubricants and conditioners. Natural active ingredients extracted from palm oil and other local plants are also used to give a unique impact on the formulated products.

Main Reseach: Pn Rubaah Masri