TS No. 41: Pilot Plant Facilities of the Preparation of Panel Composites from Oil Palm Biomass

The Biomass Technology Centre (BTC) is a one-stop centre for R&D in biocomposites from oil palm biomass, especially medium density fi breboard (MDF). The MDF pilot plant has quality control and testing laboratories and also facilities for processing wood-based biocomposites. BTC has the expertise and facilities to provide assistance and strategic technical support to producers of wood-based panels. Operated by trained personnel specializing in wood-based R&D, the MDF pilot plant is able to produce a variety of wood-based panels and other products, similar to those already produced by the industry. Wood-based producers can use this pilot plant to carry out their R&D for commercialization, assisted by experienced MPOB personnel in the technical and quality control of the processes.

Main Research: Ridzuan Ramli