TS No. 128: Oleochemical Process Incubator : Soap Manufacturing

Soap is the product of the reaction between a fatty acid and an alkali. Fatty acids are obtained from the triglycerides (fats and oils) of either animal or plant origin such as palm oil. There are three ways to make soap:

  • saponification of oils/fats;
  • neutralisation of fatty acids; and
  • saponification of methyl esters of fatty acids.

Palm-based soap is manufactured from a natural-renewable resource and is halal. Soap bar manufacturing facilities with an average production capacity of 100 bars per day (eight working hours) are available in MPOB on a pilot scale. The basic ingredients of bar soap consist of soap noodles, perfume, colouring and additives such as emollients, medicaments and anti-irritants.

Main Research: Zailan Abu Bakar