TT No. 148: Continuous sterilization of Fresh Fruit Bunches

Sterilization is one of the key processes in the palm oil mill. The fresh fruit bunches are cooked using steam at a pressure of 3 bar for about 70 to 90 min. The bunches are sterilized in batches using two to six horizontal cylindrical shaped vessels called sterilizers fitted with one or two quick opening […]

TT No. 147: Trash Removal From Mass Passing through Digester

Trash or impurities in fresh fruit bunch (FFB) consignment supplied to the palm oil mill is one of the major problems for the palm oil millers. It will definitely affect the oil extraction rate (OER) and raise the palm oil mill operation cost. Besides, certain types of trash will affect the quality of end products. […]

TT No. 146: Palm diesel with low pour for cold climate countries

The fluidity of a fuel in an engine or machine is very important under all circumstances. When starting up an engine from cold, it is vital that fuel can be pumped into the engine and mechanical parts are able to move freely. Failure to do so will lead to excessive wear and the engine may […]

TT No. 145: Eco-Toxicity Testing Services

Ecotoxicity refers to the toxic effect of a chemical on the living environment, which includes animals and water organisms. The ecotoxicity values of a compound become significant when the compound is degraded very slowly or incompletely or is used in large quantities. Ecotoxicological data have to be known, in addition to an in-depth understanding of […]

TT No. 144: Bio-degradation Testing Services

Biodegradation, as the principal mechanism operating in sewage treatment plants and in the self-cleaning processes at surface waters, decides the fate of a substance in the environment and indicates whether it is likely to have a toxic effect on aquatic organisms. Biodegradation is the least expensive and most widely used technique for removing organic compounds […]