TT No. 158: Roselle day/night cream

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small- and medium-scale cosmetic companies to help develop a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw material.This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use of natural, renewable and […]

TT No. 157: Roselle cleansing milk

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small- and medium-scale cosmetic companies to help develop a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw material.This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use of natural, renewable and […]

TT No. 156: Roselle toner

For the past few years, MPOB has been approached by many small- and medium-scale cosmetic companies to help develop a product or a range of cosmetic products utilizing palm-based oleochemicals as the major raw material.This positive development is not unfounded as recent development in the cosmetic industry is advocating the use of natural, renewable and […]

TT No. 155: Roselle soap

Soap is an essential cleaning agent in our daily life. It is the sodium salt of fatty acids from oils and fats of both animal and vegetable origin. In todayís market, consumers demand a wide range of soap products catering not only for its cleansing property but also for its therapeutic effect. This is made […]

TT No. 154: Palm-Based Grease

Lubricating grease is not a new product; evidence from archaeological findings in the West Asia suggests that the art of making grease was known about 4000 years ago. As far back as 1400 B.C., both mutton and beef fats were used in the L attempt to reduce axle friction in chariots. Analyses of residues from […]