TT No. 534: Glomus intraradices – A Potential Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungus (AMF) to Enhance Oil Palm Vegetative Growth

Endophytic microorganisms such as arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) are among the many effective microorganisms (EM) present in the host of system of various plants; ofthen without ill effects on the plants (Holderness et al.,2000;Sieber,2002). A majority of land plants from symbiotic association with the fungi. Mycorrhizae play a key role for soil microorganisms in the soil-plant system that are fundamental for soil fertility and plant nutrition (Smith and Read, 2008). The use of mycorrhiza is widespread in a agriculture due to their benefits on the plant system. It is a symbiotic association where it influences the plant’s growth, water and nutrient absorption, and protection from root disease.

Main Research: Dr Shamala Sundram