TT No. 533: Detection of Fusarium Wilt in Oil Palm by Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods

Vascular wilt of oil palm is caused by a soil-borne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. elaeidis (foe). This disease is seriously affecting the oil palm industry in Africa, where yield in some areas have drastically been reduced. Currently, F. oxysporum can be diagnosed up to the species level through a morphological and molecular technique namely, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Detection of its forma specialis (f.sp.) pathogenic to the genus Elaeis, i.e. f.sp. elaeidis, is critically required for the purpose of quarantine, field testing of ‘resistant’ varieties and the determination of its presence in palms and plantation soils.

Main Research: Dr Mohd Hefni Rusli