TT No. 531: Vermicompost for Enhandced Vegetative Growth of Oil Palm Seedlings

Composts are produced in some palm oil mills as a waste management method to mitigate greenhouse gas *GHG) emmisions from empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm oil mill effluent (POME). Vermicomposting has been considered as a method of achieving stabilised compost products (Elvira et al., 1998; gupta and Garg, 2008; Suthar, 2006). Vermicomposting of EFB and POME has been identidied as one of the sustainable options in managing the wastes (Singh et al., 2011; Nahrul Hayawin et al., 2010;201a). A technology for vermicomposting the oil palm biomass at a small industrial scale has been introduced (Nahrul Hayawin et al., 2011b). The composting enables sanitisation of the waste and elimination of toxic compounds, while the subsequent vermicomposting reduces particle size and increase nutrient availability.

Main Research: Nahrul Hayawin Zainal