TT No. 529: Malaysia Unified Peat Clasification Technique

Peat or organic soils are soils in which organic soil materials (OSM) form an important protion of the upper 100cm of the soil. These soils generally occur in lowland coastal swamps, inland swamps and valleys, and high altitudes (Paramananthan and Wahid, 2008). Most published data in Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak were 716 944 ha, 121 514 ha and 1 588 142 ha respectively (Wahid et al., 2010).

Malaysia consists of three main political regions namely peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. Due to historical and administrative reasons, soil maps and classifications in these regions were different in definitions, classification and mapping. These differences also occured for organic and mapping. These differences also occured for organic soils during the early malaysian reconnaissance soil surveys. The differences in peat classifications had caused difficulties in correlating the peat soils and the transferring of agro-technologies between Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

Main Research: Hj Wahid Omar