TT No. 501: Best Management Practices For Oil Palm Cultivation On Peat: Mucuna Bracteata As Ground Cover Crop
The beneficial effects of leguminous cover crops (LCC0 and its use in oil palm plantation are commonly accepted. Besides improving soil fertility by fixing nitrogen and making it available to the main crop and reduce competition from noxious weeds, it also improves palm grwoth and reduces the immaturity period. In peat soil areas, the need for ground cover crop establishment becomes more crucial. The objectives of cover crops are to conserve soil moisture, minimise peat subsidence, prevent irreversible peat drying and reduce the risk of peat fire. LCC which have been successfully used as cover crops in oil palm plantations include Pueraria javanica, P. phaseoloides, Centrosema pubescens, Calopogonium caeruleum and Calopogonium muconoides.
Main Research: Hasnol Othman