TT No. 481: Phytoene synthase Gene from Oil Palm for the Modification of Carotenoid Content

Carotenoids are a group of isoprenoid pigments which are widely distributed in nature. They are synthesized by all photosynnthetic bacteria and fungi. Carotenoids protect the photosynthetic apparatus from photo-oxidation, and represent structural components of light-harvesting antenna and reaction-centre complexes. Dietary carotenoids fulfil essential requirements for human and animal nutrition. B-carotene is the most potent dietary precursor of vitamin A, the deficiency of which leads to xerophtlalmia, blindness and premature death (Mayne, 1996). Other carotenoids have been shown to alleviate age-related diseases when taken in sufficient quantities in the diet, probaly because of their powerful properties as lipophilic antioxidants.

Main Research: Wan Nur Syuhada Wan Sulaiman