TT No. 460: Enzymatic Palm Oil Recovery From POME

Oil losses occur at various stages of milling, particularly at the sterilizer station and oil recovery station. It is estimated that the oil content in the sterilizer condensate and sludge/ decanter is about 0.16% and 0.46% of the fresh fruit bunches (FFB), respectively (Othman and Ng, 2003). These two sludges are mixed and normally refereed to as mixed raw effluent (MRE), or more often known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). On the other hand, the recoveref oil from MRE or POME is termed as sludge palm oil (SPO). Recovery of oil from MRE is one of the options to minimize oil losses during the milling processes.

Main Research: Noorshamsiana Abdul Wahab