TT No. 445: Rotting fungi to Acelerate Biodegradation of Oil Palm Trunks, Breeding Site for Oryctes Rhinoceros (L) and Ganoderma Boninens

Historically, oil palm trunks (OPT) were burnt to make way for replanting. Burning of oil palm biomass reduces the risk of potentialpests and diseases. In 1994, open burning of crop residues in Malaysia was banned due  to environmental and health concerns. This led to the practice of the zero-burning technique. With extensive oil palm replanting, Oryctes rhinoceros infestation and Ganoderma bonninense infection are becoming rewewed problems for the industry. The rotting biomass becomes a medium for the breeding of pests such as O. rhinoceros (L) and diseases like G. boninense. Treatment of the biomass with biodegrading fungi expedites the degradation process, and prevents the rotting biomass from becoming a medium for the breeding of pets and pathogens.

Main Research: Dr Siti Ramlah Ahmad Ali