TT No. 443: GanoEB1- A Bacterial Biocontrol Agent for Ganoderma in Oil Pal

Basal stem rot (BSR) disease can cause considerable damage in oil palm by bisidiomycete fungi identified as Ganoderma spp. (Idris, 1999). Biological control in Ganoderma disease management has been extensively explored in recent years. Biological control is the use of natural or modified organisms, genes and gene products to reduce the effects of plant pathogens and to favour cultivated crops. Biological coontrol agents using microorganisms such as endophytic bacteria and Trichoderma spp. have been reported to suppress Ganoderma indection in oil palm. Endophytic bacteria are organisms inhabiting plant tissues that at some time in their life cycle can colonize the internal plant tissues without causing apparent harm to the host.

Main Research: Dr. Idris Abu Seman