TT No. 440: MPOB-Q-PKM™

The Malaysian Palm Oil Board Quality Palm Kernel Meal (MPOB-Q-PKM™) is a new premium quality meal developed, improved and tested at the Energy Protein Center, MPOB Research Station in Keratong, Pahang. The raw materials comes from palm kernel (PK). The PK are especially selected, cleaned and processed and later subjected to grinding and solvent extraction. finely ground palm kernel turns into slurries. The slurries are filtered, and the residual paste is then subjected to solvent extraction. Less than 2% palm kernel oil (PKO) is left in the residual meal after solvent extraction. The meal is dried in an oven, during which time the residual hexane will be evaporated off. Finally, we have the product know as MPOB-Q-PKM™.

Main Research: Dr Osman Atil