TT No. 426: A Pyro-ligno Binder from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch

Empty fruit bunches (EFB) contain 18%-21% lignin, 40%-45% cellulose and 19%-21% hemicellulose. Lignin is produced mainly as a by-product from the pulp and paper industry. separated fro, the wood by chemical pulping processes such as Kraft pulping and sulfate pulping. The black liquor from these pulping processes contains lignin which is separated via acid precipitation or CO2 precipitation. The bulk of the lignin available in the market is form sulfate pulping in the form of lignosulfonates. Lignin is one of the most complex natural polymers that exist in lignocellulosic materials in terms of its composed of phenyl propane-based monomeric units linked together by several types pf either linkages and also various kind of carbon-carbon bonds (Goheem, 1978).

Main Research: Dr Astimar Abd Aziz