TT No. 424: Double-row Avenue System for Crop Integretion with Oil Palm

Maximizing land use in palm oil areas through crop or livestock integration can generate additional income for oil palm growers, and enhance national food production which is in line with the Third National Agriculture Policy. During the immature phase (i.e. when palms are less than three years old), the growth of oil palms fronds and roots is limited, permitting sufficient sunlight to penetrate to the ground, especially in the areas between the palm rows. The condition allows other crops to be planted in the inter-rows. This condition allows other crops to be planted in the inter-rows. During the mature phase, when the fronds of the palm grow bigger and start overlapping with fronds of adjacent palms, light penetration is reduced drastically, restricting the growth of most crops; thus, conditions are no longer feasible for crops integration. One way to overcome this problem and to extend the duration of integration activities is by planting the palms in a double-row avenue planting system.

Main Research:  Hj Suboh Ismail